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TiddlyTools for TW v5.3.6


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29th June 2024 at 12:20am

It is ,

last change:TiddlyTools/Time/Calendar (Wed, Mar 19th 2025, 02:49:08am)
newest:TiddlyTools/Templates/CopyTags (Thu, Oct 24th 2024, 05:58:45pm)
oldest:TiddlyTools/About (Sun, Dec 25th 2005, 05:13:00pm)
smallest:SampleTimers (84 bytes)
largest:The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (337962 bytes)


last change:TiddlyTools/Time/Calendar (Wed, Mar 19th 2025, 02:49:08am)
newest:TiddlyTools/Templates/CopyTags (Thu, Oct 24th 2024, 05:58:45pm)
oldest:TiddlyTools/About (Sun, Dec 25th 2005, 05:13:00pm)
smallest:SampleTimers (84 bytes)
largest:The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (337962 bytes)


Information about this TiddlyWiki

TiddlyWiki version5.3.6
Title of this TiddlyWiki
Username for signing edits
Animation duration
Default tiddlersChoose which tiddlers are displayed at startup

Use [[double square brackets]] for titles with spaces. Or you can choose to
Title of new tiddlers
Title of new journal tiddlers
Text for new journal tiddlers
Tags for new tiddlers
Tags for new journal tiddlers
Default focus field for new tiddlers
Hello! Current language:
Number of tiddlers
Number of tags
Number of system tiddlers
Number of shadow tiddlers
Number of overridden shadow tiddlers



Hello! My name is Eric Shulman. I am the author of www.TiddlyTools.com (Small Tools for Big Ideas! โ„ข), a popular collection of original plugins, macros, widgets, templates and stylesheets for TiddlyWiki that I have created and shared with the TiddlyWiki community.

Think of TiddlyTools as a virtual hardware store and "demonstration showroom", offering tools, parts and techniques that provide a rich variety of new functionality and feature enhancements to help you turn a general-purpose TiddlyWiki "info-house" into a comfortable, custom-built "info-home".

The TiddlyWiki core system provides the basic structure and utilities: the foundation, framing, walls, roof, windows/doors, plumbing, heating, and electrical systems. Then, TiddlyTools helps you with all the "finish work": the appliances, fixtures, lighting, cabinets, furniture, paint, wallpaper, carpeting, etc. to best suit your specific needs and personal style.

Since the early days of TiddlyWiki (April 2005), I have worked closely with its inventor, Jeremy Ruston, to help develop and improve TiddlyWiki's core functions. I am also a key contributor and administrator of the online TiddlyWiki Discourse and GoogleGroups discussion forums, providing ongoing assistance to the worldwide TiddlyWiki community. I have written over 15,000 detailed responses to individual questions posted online. For several years I was also the lead developer and maintainer of the TiddlyWiki Classic codebase.

I was born and raised in suburban Long Island, NY, and attended Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, PA, where I studied Computer Science, Cognitive Psychology, Sociology, Human Factors Design, and Artificial Intelligence. As an undergraduate at CMU, I was privileged to work with some of the major luminaries in early software research and design, including Herbert Simon, Allen Newell, James Gosling, and Raj Reddy. I was also employed in several Computer Science Department research projects, including the development of speech recognition technologies, graphical interface systems, and interactive applications for instruction in physics, art and music. I received a Bachelor of Science in "Interactive Systems Design" from CMU in 1985.

During my early post-graduate years, I worked for several notable software development companies, including Honeywell Information Systems and Lotus Software. I was an integral member of the 1-2-3 spreadsheet development team where I helped create the first GUI-based application interfaces for Microsoft Windows and IBM OS/2.

Since 1998, I have been an independent design consultant, living and working in Silicon Valley, where I apply more than 40 years of experience to provide analysis, design and software development services for commercial companies and not-for-profit organizations, with emphasis on information architecture and interaction/visual design standards to improve ease-of-use for new and existing software products and online environments.


TiddlyTools for TW v5.3.6


This document was updated on 03/19/2025 02:53:24
TiddlyWiki version 5.3.6